February 25, 2009

"Ich war noch niemals in New York??" Not me....

I still remember my very,very first day in New York City....roughly 16.300 days ago - and now I was there again and there must have been some 10 to 15 visits in between as well..this time,however,it was all very different: we flew to see this unique city as a small family of three - and BIG APPLE welcomed us as dreamers, tourists, and shoppers....we had three easy going evenings and two full days..enough time to explore most of mid-town Manhattan,have a relaxed dinner with our American friends and to see the musical In the Heights.

There was hardly any jet-lag and the comfortable Lufthansa return flight took just a little over six short hours...all in all it was well worth the organizational efforts - and I enjoyed showing my wife and my daughter around..they were impressed about my first place of residence: right on the corner of 90th and Broadway...the building looks impressive and there was even a doorman inside the entrance....so what did I learn in these 16.300 days between then and now?

The answer: My brain is still stretching and being stretched especially by the teachings of Eckhart Tolle and if you are or plan to be on a spiritual path I would highly recommend listening to his message - it has the potential to let you understand who you truly are and to reap the benefits that will come with such an insight.

So - one might say that although the "story of ME" which kick - started in New York City a long time ago - is still in progress it is no longer the self-concept defining saga that it used to be... and that is quite a liberating feeling.