February 16, 2009

E. Tolle My present teacher on TV

Originally I had wanted to embed the interview with Mr. Tolle here which he gave last night (Feb. 15,2009) on ABC news...but since I was somehow unable to copy the film here I looked for other materials about him at: www.youtube.com and I found this clip about his second book: A New Earth among many other videos.And I like what he says about the incoming new consciousness - and yes, it will have the power to dramatically change our present world of forms and things.

I see myself as someone who is in the process of helping to bring about and usher in some of these changes and I see clearly the vanity that results when I allow my neurotic ego to show me the ( wrong ) direction...and it is ironic that my young daughter just loves to use her latest English verb: to upgrade!! It figures - and maybe at her age it is still appropriate to dream about wanting to be special and to be more....not realizing that she couldn't be more complete than she is right now.

For us adults,however, that path is slowly coming to end and hopefully just in time....and as a teacher I wonder of course what will the "new school" be like....and Eckhart Tolle would say to that: Jay,don't be too concerned about it - as long as it is based on the new consciousness it will manifest all by itself...and yet: I am still curious...will we have a 45 minutes based schedule? will there be tests and grades and competition?And what subjects will be taught in such a school...