February 05, 2009

The Flow reloaded.Final Presentation.Day 5

Monday was presentation day.We met as a group at about 9:00 am - shortly after the teachers had had their beginning of the new semester staff meeting.I was a bit worried that some of the the agreed materials had not been prepared. But fortunately this was premature and the typical teacher's anxiety.

The students brought their laptops,Katarina had worked long hours to edit the filmed DVD materials and Mel not only had the present for Jenny on hand - but also the enlarged photo posters for our display wall as well.

Students flocked by our booth initially and later on assembled in the ball-room for our short adventure film.Somebody suggested that we make it available on the Internet and clickable from this blog.So Katarina will see how she can upload the materials on to YouTube.

It was about noon when we finally dismantled the materials: it was a very exciting extra-curriculum project and I am very pleased about the outcomes.A BIG thank you for all of you who shared to make this week such a special experience....I guess it would be correct to say: The FLOW did it.