March 03, 2009

And Now: - First we shape our tools - then they shape us!!

I am planning on either reading or writing about an article on how people find out via Twitter when the next Mexican-Korean yummi food-truck will be arriving in their Los Angeles neighborhood...I had no idea how these hungry folks would share that information other than by the conventional methods: email;cell phone; messaging; Now I just learned there is a new way ( should I say: new for me ): they communicate the truck's arrival via the above video - it tells you how this can be done and gives some more details about additional features of this latest "join me with the rest of world" tool.

So here is my question: why is it still so very hard to deeply understand and know that we are,have been and always will be ALL connected by the invisible force called ONE LIFE - I mean some of us are almost addicted to the above technologies and yet most of us have no clue about the everlasting and ongoing connection that binds us together!! In other words: How much more technology do we need - before we finally get it???