March 07, 2009

How to write and structure a characterization

So far we have read two great short stories by Roald Dahl in class.The coming test requires us to get involved with the writing of a characterization...and we are practicing it by using the logical levels a la Robert Dilts as our structuring tool.That means the text will be structured as follows: introduction; the environment of the main character ( where and when );the behavior ( what );the capabilities ( how );the values,attitudes and beliefs of the character ( why );his or her sense of identity ( who );followed by the conclusion....

I hope this scheme will will help us to compose a well-rounded and well written text about i.e. The Landlay or The Man from the South or My best friend

And then this short sentence that anyone of my students could say to me - came back to me - it was used by Robert Dilts himself when he taught us ( in Hamburg ) about this elegant model: I can not do this here - do you see the beauty of the example? I - identity;- can not beliefs;- do capabilities;- this behavior;- here environment...thank you Robert.