March 07, 2009

From wellness to Oneness

This early morning while I was out jogging this idea came into my head:some years ago it was important to have a good health.Today you can hardly open a travel brochure that does not try to lure you into booking trips that offer the experience of Wellness - and there are always these seducing pictures that go with it...somebody does something gentle to another person - like dripping warm oil across someone's forehead etc.

So, I assume wellness means more than just being in good health...and as I jogged along it became clear that the next higher experience might just be about getting a felt-sense of ONENESS.

Maybe I should contact a patent a few years the deep experience of ONENESS with All Life ( most likely a virtual and software based undertaking ) may just be more sought after and life changing than any spa, cruise or visit to Disney World!! could ever achieve.... MONEY! BIG MONEY!??