October 28, 2008

Who are you really?

On my Sunday afternoon walk through the nearby compounds of Germany's second largest Rudolf Steiner Community ( Waldorf Schools ) I came across this hand-made road sign.The English translation might read as follows: "we perceive so little ( we are conscious of so few things ) because we lost the ability to truly rest our eyes on the item at hand"
I completely agree with the statement.We usually take one or two seconds in which we look at someone or something and then our mind takes over and sticks a label onto the "thing" like: grey cat; cracked egg;or dead bird - just to name three items I came across during my walk.
And that's it.Done and finished.The mind took over, a label was given and on to the next piece....and the same process repeats itself. At school it is not much different....a quick glimpse at an unknown student, at a new face in the hallway, a fast label and on to the next person or encounter.
If the message on the sign is indeed correct - what can we do to break this limiting pattern? How can true in-depth perception be restored? Do we need to get "high" on certain drugs to enhance our senses - our so-called doors of perception?
They may and DO help as a start but soon the effect will wear out and then what? I think the best way to restart my ability to truly perceive is to begin with the right perspective....for it is the perspective that shapes my perception.So what would be the optimal perspective from which to look at any "object" or person? I would say the best one can do is to come to the scene with an open mind and a loving heart.These qualities will definitely influence and enhance my perception.
I would now have a far greater chance to see through the outer form of my subject and perceive its hidden essence,its beingness at a deeper level - I would begin to relearn to truly rest my eyes - and this new"wahrnehmen" this new perceiving would be beyond the world of thoughts.
Will it be that easy? Tomorrow at school I will have lots of opportunities to test the above!