May 12, 2009

All Learning is state dependent...

It is so obvious that the state ( Zustand ) I am in - deeply influences my learning in what state are my students in when I enter the room? And am I able to change their states for the better once I start the lesson of the day?And do I manage to maintain their by then hopefully resourceful state throughout the entire lesson?

And what about my own state? In what state am I in most of the time?

And who helps me to "recharge" either during or after the lesson?

Lots of good questions with their inherent here is a video about how Barack Obama and his wife Michelle were introduced to a group of journalists the day before Mother's Day....just watch how people change their states in just a few I know it can be done...and maybe I should bring a portable CD/Cassette player and turn up the volume and play some wake-up music as I enter room 1.11 at 7:45 in the morning ??? - this would certainly be a great pattern interrupt!