June 11, 2009

Ist die Luft schon raus?

I have not been blogging for quite some time - and there can be only one explanation: somehow my motivation to blog for myself and to encourage my students to do likewise has hit a snag - in Germany we say: Die Luft ist raus...and that may well be the case now that we will have only seven English sessions before the official summer break starts on July 2...there are however two more major tasks ahead of me: I need to come up with a fair grade for each student based on her or his individual performance during the last semester AND four students will have to come in and write their make-up tests.

In the meanwhile I continue my studies of the teachings of Eckhart Tolle and by visiting his new website I was linked to this fast paced TV interview...I hope that you will not only understand the spoken English but that you may enjoy these thirteen minutes of great insights as well...and let us not forget: Eckhart used to have Ulrich as his first name and he was born in Lünen not very far from our college - that makes him almost one of us.