June 29, 2009

Good Bye in 100 seconds - Stufen ( Mai 1941 ) H.Hesse

My teaching contract at the college is about to expire and a colleague will take over and teach the new semester......I keep telling myself that this change will - like all other ones before - be a change for my own good...and who knows what LIFE has in store for me next...I enjoyed my one year teaching "gig" at the college and I thank my students for the learning experiences they provided me and also for their patience and good will.....some will have to either repeat the semester or to explore alternatives..the core group however has established itself and I am optimistic and confident that most of them will graduate and pass their Abitur in two years from now....I hope they will still remember me by then and send me an invitation to their graduation party....enjoy the attached poem by Hermann Hesse - I find the lyrics very touching and therefore quite appropriate for my departure.... the text is spoken in German.