May 09, 2009

Are we as humans the only creatures who are conscious.Yes or No?

In class we are currently practicing how to write a comment.There is a certain structure to it and it usually has four parts etc. etc. and as I was searching for some additional topics for our pre-test practices I hit upon the above key question involving human consciousness and it led me to a series of ten minute YouTube films - the speaker there is Peter Russell whose book: The Global Brain is available in German under the titel:Die Erwachende Erde.

These books were published in the early eighties - just after my return from a very stimulating sabbatical year in San Francisco and they played a major role in my renewed interest in human consciuosness - the first exposure happened thru the writings of Timothy Leary in the mid-sixties..then Peter Russell crossed my path and now some 25 years later the writings of Eckhart Tolle deepen my understandings in this area even more.

And my thought was: what if my students were one day ready to argue in ENGLISH the most difficult question if we as humans are indeed the only creatures who are conscious - and as a meaningful preparation for this exam we would go thru some of these fifteen YouTube based mini lectures?