May 03, 2009

Seeking Oneness via Twitter?

Most teachers would probably argue that nothing good will come out for our students when they engage in the microblogging service Twitter....some would state it is just another annoying platform - like Facebook or MySpace and the rest - that hinders the student to appreciate written language...they fear that what gets expressed within Twitter's 140 character frame will be the profane and not the profound...

I have not tried it myself but I would go along with the embedded cartoon - Twitter seems to be just another "form giving" tool whose constant "in-form-ations" distract students and retirees alike...but then I had a second thought:what if Twitter messages ( tweets ) get rushed out of my electronic device or onto any of my chosen screens in such a rapid sequence that it would create an almost permanent reporting link between myself and my "friends" who would share my entries all so very fast that the feeling of a networked ONENESS could suddenly pop up in a logged-on user??

Just as the early pioneers who experimented with basic flying devices were bicycle riders - they had a sense or intuition that if only they were able to pedal fast enough and achieve a certain speed they would eventually have lift-off!So if a given medium is accelerated beyond a certain point ( a grounded bike with extended wings on it ) something completely new is created: an airplane.

If the tweets are blogged and read at an ever faster rate by a circle of users - the previous sense of being separated and isolated may suddenly be transformed into a knowing and feeling as being ONE with the others....if Twitter achieved that liberating and sought after felt-sense of ONENESS in our students it would radically change the current meaning and experience of our present competition based educational system for the better and turn even sceptical teachers into supportive twitterers.