November 04, 2008

And the winner is....

Today Americans will finally cast their votes....the two year campaign will have come to an hopefully happy end.Tomorrow - Wednesday morning - we will know which party will govern for the next four years.....I hope for the Democrats to not only get a huge majority in both houses - but to also show the Republicans that they are - indeed the party of "yesterday"...

And I believe none of my American friends will have voted for them anyway....when I was a college student in Ashland,Oregon I had joined the Young Democrats ( see photo ) - not a large group on campus then - but we had a brilliant history professor as our advisor.

At times I felt odd sitting there with my fellow American students talking politics - afterall I was NOT allowed to vote although I had that magic green card.The good thing was that nobody seemed to mind...I was accepted in their small group and I felt that I had "arrived".