January 27, 2009

The Flow reloaded.Project week.Day 1

.......................................................... We began the first day of the second semester this morning with an early meeting at the college...it was bitter cold outside when we drove off to our first project destination: an ideal spot in the not too distant forest region...we unloaded the gears,the goodies and enjoyed a nice open - air breakfast with warm coffee and tea ( the water was boiled on a bottled gas powered stove )..Mel took the trouble to bring fresh sliced cucumbers,sliced green and red peppers and even freshly peeled oranges were put onto the table...great fresh buns with honey,cheese,salami etc. the complete range - yummy...something nice for everyone - so to speak.Thank you Mel.

Then came the flow part: first we learned how to use a compass and were given the task to roam through the forest in order to find our way back to the campground while using our new compass tool....the hike warmed us up and it was fun to decide which paths to follow....once back Till and Ralf taught us how to use a modern bow effectively and how to aim the arrows so that they would indeed hit the desired spot on the target....once we had improved - we increased the distance.....and paid attention to our inner state...some students were very eager and fired off as many as up to fifty shots...I was more hesitant - but when it came to my very final try I managed to hit the bull's eye! Nice shot...what inner alignment made it possible?Tomorrow it will be an even tougher project day: we will be out on the Lippe - a cold and barely unfrozen river in real canoes.....