January 28, 2009

The Flow reloaded.Pattern Interrupt.Day 2

The day started out poorly with a severe headache.Maybe it was caused by some unconscious second thoughts about todays canoe adventure...? This time the students had to travel some distance while I had just a few miles to reach our destination at the Lippesee.....we had fun dressing up in our wetsuits,socks and shoes - great gear! thank you Christian and thank you Till - in no time the boats were in the water and we were ready to take off....not really knowing what to expect...it was freezing cold but there was a sense that the sun may just break through - and about 25 minutes later it did.....changing the mood and the landscape with its watery winter colors..for us the real question was who would be the leading boat? - as if it mattered.

As we drifted and paddled downstream we would get a feeling of our light canoes - some carried a crew of three,some of just two people and one boat held two female students and Luna,Jenny's pretty and well behaved Husky typ dog...just as everything seemed to work out my boat suddenly got entangled into low hanging tree branches and in less than three seconds Katharina,Sebastian and I flipped over and found ourselves in cold fast flowing water!

Till's boat came to our rescue - we pulled ours ashore a bit,let the water gush out and climbed back in again - soaking wet but smiling bravely.There wasn't the great discomfort I had expected and tried so hard to avoid. The wet suits insulated us perfectly and the initial loss of control activated a nice adrenalin rush - with red cheeks and all.

Another mile or so down river we heard someone yelling...another boat had just flipped - this time Alex and Ari had their patterns interrupted and they too had to find a way to get back on board...so for the five of us this outing surely wasn't a Kaffeefahrt but a memorable adventure.Tomorrow - Jenny tells us - there will be yet another challenge: this time we will be indoors.