December 11, 2008

Thinking or sinking: my resolutions for 2009

The young coast guard cadet in the embedded video has a hard time to be precise with his English prenunciation....I,too would like to improve on my up to now rather diffuse 2009 goals and desires.....So what changes do I truly want to bring about in 2009?

1. I definitely would like to continue teaching beyond the summer vacation of 2009- the tricky part here is that on this one I am dependent upon outside readiness or hiring willingness.

2. I plan to remodel my carpet;new lighting;much less clutter and maybe a wider bed as well.

3. To throw away some of my books and magazines - a painful process - but necessary.

4. To drink more tap water during the day.

5. A good idea would be to control the volume of my outgoing emails.

6. It would be wise to eat even less meat products and to allow for two 5 to seven days fasts in 2009.

7. To clean my car and to check it on a more regular basis.

8. To accept "what is" in form of the "present moment" much more often and in many more situations i.e. a restaurant or crowded places.

9. To soften my facial expression - so that my gratitude and goodness will more readily shine thru me.

10. To stay away from impulse buying of books or DVDs especially at by reflecting if I really do need that particular product.

11. To find a certain number of motivational speakers for my/our Paderborner Gesundheitsstammtisch.

12. To create situations where I can generate this feeling of I AM more often and thus to deepen this sense of knowing.....

Especially the last resolution will help me to stay well afloat throughout 2009 - thus no SOS signal and no sinking scenario will be necessary.