September 26, 2008

There are no coincidences - es gibt keine Zufälle

After I had just posted yesterdays text, the doorbell rang and a package from had contained 2 DVDs and it is called: Eckart Tolle Findhorn Seminar "Stille inmitten der Welt" - this then was the visuell edition of a remarkable event that had taken place at Findhorn - in the North of Scottland in May 2004.

I went to Findhorn for the first time in May 2005 and took part in a retreat with Neale Donald Walsch - another well known spiritual this then was a video recording of an event with the German born teacher Eckhart Tolle....when I thumbened through that small book that came with the 2 DVDs I stopped at this text on page 28 ( kein Zufall !!) and it is in direct relation to what I had just posted... and since the book is a German translation I will quote the text in its German form:

Es gibt eine schöne Geschichte von der Frau,die Ein Kurs in Wundern geschrieben hat.Sie hatte eine Vision,in der sie in einer alten Kiste eine Pergamentrolle fand,eine sehr alte Rolle,und als sie diese Rolle auseinanderrollte,sah sie Zeichen auf der linken und andere Zeichen auf der rechten Seite und sie hörte eine Stimme sagen:"Wenn Du liest was links steht,kennst Du die Vergangenheit,und wenn Du liest,was rechts steht,kennst Du die Zukunft".

Sie betrachtete die linke Seite und die rechte,und dann rollte sie zurück zur Mitte und da stand:Life just is.Da sagte die Frau:"Das ist alles,was mich interessiert.Etwas anderes will ich gar nicht".Und die Stimme sagte:"Herzlichen Glückwunsch,Du bist angekommen"

Die Fau hatte es geschafft,sich ganz dem gegenwärtigen Augenblick - ( jenem NOW auf der Mitte unserer Zeitachse ) zuzuwenden.

This story fits nicely with what happened to me during the test. When my students wrote their first test on September 24 I had the occasion to somehow sit on top of an empty desk nicely in their midst and as I was stilling myself I suddenly began to notice each one of them in a different way......these were no longer just the Jenny, Bobby,Taylan, Katarina and eighteen others.....somehow something else about them had become visible - some sort of aura or light spot had appeared and I immediately felt a deep affection for the group....this lasted for about 30 seconds - maybe 60 seconds at the most but " it" was there - "it" was around them and "it" was felt within me! Being in the moment I had briefly overcome my usual perception of separation.How wonderful this felt - so free and easy.

And I guess we as teachers all long for these special moments when a sense of Oneness with our students re-energizes our heart. This then is what I had meant to say when I spoke of the AHA! effect that can occur when we center ourselves in the NOW and seeing the left part and the right part of the time-line axis model for what they are: nothing but thought based constructs.