July 02, 2009

The summer of 2009 - free and easy

The attached photo was taken on my very last day of school - July 1...most students are happy that the second semester turned out nicely for them...some will have to pass a make up exam in August and the option to repeat the semester is also available for those very few who didn't quite make it.

For me it was time to clear my desk and to return all keys to the office - I had hoped to be able to return for yet another semester or two of subbing ( substitute teaching )but that didn't materialize - a colleague will be back from his sabbatical and another colleague increased her teaching load - this meant redundancy for me and my partner colleague H.T.

I am confident that something very useful will come out of this - and one great option that would otherwise not be available for me is to visit my cousin Didi in Canberra,Australia for two exciting weeks in November....